Jenn Bruno Smith
Owner of The High Rollers Club and Master Boudoir Photographer
Jenn Bruno Smith is a master boudoir photographer and educator. She runs a nearly 7 figure studio from her small town in Delaware. Prior to photography, she left a successful career as a speech pathologist and clinical liaison. She has since dedicated her career to empowering thousand of clients, photographers, and entrepreneurs both in front of and behind the camera. She loves helping photographers become braver and more self sufficient entrepreneurs. She reminds her students that just because you are a creative, doesnt mean you have to be a starving artist. You can catch up with Jenn in her group The High Rollers Club- IPS, Business and Marketing for Boudoir photographers on facebook or follow her on Instagram (@boudoirbyjennifersmith) or Tiktok (Jenniferbrunosmith). You can also catch up with Jenn on her podcast. Search The high Rollers Club with Jenn Bruno Smith on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast listening platform.