Meet Kayla: Professional Angel Creator.
Hey there, I'm Kayla! The face behind Kayla Douglas Artistry. I have always been a child of creative expression. Growing up, I would participate in every extracurricular activity that included fine arts and performing arts. If you'd ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response would never be anything in specific. I would always reply, "I want to be an inspiration." I still say that statement today. One day, my loving husband encouraged me to find a career that I enjoyed doing and leave my job as a retail store manager. I went from a SFX MUA to designing costumes- which lead to creating angel wings for photographers around the world. (You can read that entire story in my blog) Since then, I have my husband to thank who is the Senior engineer and co-creator of our successful patented design for durable, and functional angel wings. Which led to the Kickstart to the best career of my life as a fashion designer! Since then, I've created hundreds of pairs that have found their forever homes world wide. I enjoy creating new designs and watching our come to life in someone elses' art. It's so surreal to see the different images and perspectives from other creatives as they create their own art with our creations. My number one goal with our business is to create an empire and be an inspiration to creatives who have a dream just like myself. I am living my dream everyday and forever grateful. I can't wait to create you something special and play a small role in your artistic vision.
- Kayla Douglas
Couture Designer and Professional Angel Creator

Meet Ric: Senior Engineer, Photographer and Educator.
Hey, I'm Ric. I'm the engineer behind the patent of Kayla Douglas Artistry angel wings. Along with engineering, I am also a photographer and educator of Ri Photography.. Kayla and I are blessed to have two separate careers that mutually coincide creatively. My part in Kayla Douglas Artistry is a very small one. As a photographer I give suggestions on designs from a photographers point of view as well as help with designing blueprints for certain structural aspects of her wings. I'm honored and blessed to be a part of Kayla's passion. She puts her heart and soul into this.